How many inches does a sneeze guard need to be located above the food?
There are two types of sneeze guards commonly used in today's world. Sneeze guards specifically designed for food and a barrier for face to face interaction. The placement of a sneeze guard is crucial for its ability and effectiveness. To protect food in restaurants and buffets, sneeze guards need to be placed 14” above the counter and should extend 7” beyond the food. Placed too high or too low makes the panels useless. While there are requirements of placement for the food industry, there are also requirements for every day work environments. offers plenty of choices in configurations so that you can find the perfect option best suited for your workplace. All of the desk and office sneeze guards are a minimum of 18” in height with a 1” pass through between the panel and table. With this set up, you can ensure that no direct sneezes or coughs come your way when working while still being able to exchange items such as cash and documents below. When people are involved in standing situations, the ideal height for a sneeze guard is 6 feet to the top. This ensures maximum coverage for most people. You can achieve this optimal coverage by placing 24” high sneeze guards on cubicles and counters, or bypass the countertop approach and try the StauberBest Floor Standing Sneeze Guard which offers the BEST protection for all standing situations.
Sneeze guards

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